About us
About us
Caribe Horse has been operating since 2007.
Our goal is guarantee a second life to the beloved horses we had rescued and provide them all the care and love they deserve for the rest of them life.
Ours is a small family project in constant growth, born and supported by
deep and unconditional love for horses and years of dedicated professional experience.
The correct feeding and care of horses on the Caribbean coast are especially complex and demanding due to the tropical climate and the consequent obligation to import all products, including the hay necessary to feed the horses.
This makes even basic care and feeding extremely expensive.
The activities such as tours and clinics offered by Caribe Horse and the loving donations from our sponsors are the means that allow us to guarantee the horses the necessary care.
The help of volunteers also represents a fundamental support to guarantee the love and daily care that our 4-legged friends rightly require and deserve.
Caribe Horse is well known among horses lovers, travelers and tour operators for the excellent care we guarantee to our beloved horses and the high quality and professionalism of the services we offer to our guests. We are dedicated to providing you the best possible experience, the best equipment and the best professionals. Our horses are our family and our life, we have more than 40 years of experience.
We are the only riding club in the area with qualified professionals.
We offer horseback riding tours, clinics, natural horsemanship, hippotherapy with a certified pedagogist.
Our tour guides are multilingual, they speak English, Spanish and Italian, and an expert pedagogue guides equine therapy courses.
We love getting involved and working with the local community and our goal is spreading love and respect for the horses and animals that populate this wonderful corner of paradise.

Rescued horses
Tours carried out

Years of experience
Our philosophy
Our horses are our family, our friends and our life. We have more than 40 years of professional experience. The love and passion for horses is a family legacy that we have carried with us for generations. We keep our horses semi-freedom: comfortable large open 5mX5m open boxes, guarantee them continuous socialization and protection from the hot sun and tropical rain, and the field around the propriety allow the horses spend in total freedom them days. We have 9 sweet, healthy horses and we manage all the activities in the way that can ensure a balance between correct rest and activity, without any over-exercising or over-rest. Our main goal is provide our horses with the best care possible. Some of them live their retirement on our private reserve in the mountainside. Our 4-legged babies receive all possible care depending on their personal needs, with concentrate, grass, vitamins, electrolytes,proteins, fruits, carrots, hay and also desparasitant, fly protection, cream/oil for the skin and hooves care, vacs and medicine they require. Clean boxes and field, more grooming is guarantee every day to our be-loved friends, like regular veterinary check and dental care. We believe that the knowledge of equine psychology is the fundamental and indispensable basis for establishing a correct relationship and respecting the uniqueness of each horse. We adopt methods and approaches that are based on natural horsemanship, love and mutual respect.
Our horses
We have 9 RESCUED HORSES and we make every effort to offer them a better life. Our horses are between 4 and 20 years old. The oldest and the babies with the worst past are retired to our farm on the mountainside, where Jimmy and Oriana provide them with all the care they need with all the love possible. Our horses are Criollo, Ibero, Quarter Horse, Quarab, Appaloosa breeds. They are all very nice and sweet horses, suitable for beginners, children and also for professional riders. Because we care about the well-being of the horses, we have to set a different weight limit for each horse. The general weight limit is 210 lbs/100 kg.
The oldest and the ones with the worst past, are retired to our farm on the mountainside, in a magical 79 acre preserved private reserve, located on the border to the biological corridor. In this special corner of paradise, we provide to our 4legs friends all the freedom, care and love they need in this special time of their lives.
We are also working with dedication to save and protect all the nature and its inhabitants, and we hope to be able soon to offer new volunteering experiences and clinics and share with all the real horses and animals lovers this magical wild place.
Our horses are Criollo, Ibero, Quarter Horse, Quarab, Pure Blood Arabian and Appaloosa breeds. Through the great daily work dedicated to building trust and correct communication, they are all very nice and sweet horses, suitable for beginners, children and also for professional riders. Because we care about the well-being of the horses, we have to set a different weight limit for each horse. The general weight limit is 220 lbs/100 kg. All our saddles are imported from Europe and the United States, all made in ultra-light materials and tailored to each horse. We always try to share our work with local people and also with those people who require a second chance in life. Our hope is to involve them in our activity to be able to convey the love and respect for horses to everyone. We work hand in hand with most of the local hotels and also recognized international tour operators and agencies and we were lucky enough to be able to build a great reputation thanks to the quality of service we offer and the visible love and care we have for horses .

Our team

Oriana, co-owner
Originally from Italy and Poland, she grew up with horses, which were always her passion and her life. She has always been a horse owner and has very intensive knowledge with 40 years of professional experience that she will be happy to share with our guests. Psychopedagogue specialized in training and psychological assistance, she has always believed in the effectiveness of hippotherapy in education and psychology, and has chosen to contribute her experience at Caribe Horse to unite the love of horses and nature to the social sphere. dimension. She arrived for the first time in Costa Rica in 2006, driven by her immense love for animals and nature. She fell in love with her Country and her husband Jimmy, who now share with her this incredible passion for horses. She has a licence and master in paycho-pedagogist with years of experience. Her passion for the horses is an heritage that comes from her family and especially from her beloved father. He shared with Oriana this infinite love for horses and nature in general, supporting and accompanying her since she was a child in learning this very demanding passion. Oriana grow up with horses and spent her life learn more about them, trying always improve her skills through constant horseback riding school, clinics of different method with different professionals and horses. She always had special interest for way that have solid scientific and psychologic background and that are based in love, communication and trust. She never loved equestrian competitions, her only real goal has always been to learn more, in order to better understand and respect her beloved 4-legged friends, especially for those horses that show complex behaviors generally due to past traumatic experiences or considered difficult by many humans. She took veterinary courses and practice in order to have the skills that are fundamental. She dedicate her days to the care of the horses and them train and she is in charge of the Hippo Therapy project and clinics.

Jimmy, co-owner
Originally from Costa Rica, he has always been a nature lover and a great athlete. He falls in love with her wife Oriana and discovers with her a great passion for horses. He has an incredible natural predisposition with horses and an impressive knowledge about the nature and culture of Costa Rica, and will be happy to share with you many secrets about wildlife on the Caribbean coast, nature, history, culture of Costa Rica and the local people. He manages with Oriana the project on the farm on the mountainside. He is responsable for the tours and help Oriana with the care of the horses and them train.