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caballo caribe polar 2

I’m POLAR. I was born in 2011 and I am Iberian.
When Caribe Horse rescued me, my hair had a different color, because the pure condition in which I live, which never made me discover what it means to receive care or even to be washed and brushed… It was yellow when I arrived at Caribe Horae. and not even a good shower could help me, but my new family knows that after a time of correct care, I will change my hair and discover my true white color… that’s why my name is now Polar!!

He also wasn’t used to horse food. I found my own nutrition in trash, bins, or whatever was in my small, dark house. So when I was first introduced to real horse food, I wondered what it was and stuck with hay since it seemed more common than what I knew. In my past I lived very isolated and, first of all, I couldn’t communicate with the other horses in the stable. Also trotting and galloping was completely new to me.
After my recovery I started to have a lot of friends, play with them, I discovered the sea and I am an incredible swimmer, I really enjoy swimming in the ocean and blowing bubbles underwater…one of my favorite games is rolling in the sand and really I enjoy taking a nap on the beach. I am super sweet but sometimes I still have some trouble understanding the other horses and if there is something new, sometimes I need a little more time to understand it.

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