I am SOGA. I was born in 2003 and I am Quarab.
The last human being I had in my life before Caribe Horse liked me but didn’t really know much about horses. I basically lived on a big plot of land and ate the grass around me. Since the grass on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica is just water nutritionally, I lost a lot of weight and had little energy. He also used to keep me tied up all the time with a long rope and one day I had a terrible accident with my legs.
They put a leash on me and tied it to my legs and then I fell and hurt my hind legs… I guess I will remain in this condition for many hours. The injury was very serious, so at first I wasn’t sure if I could recover. The human didn’t have much experience so he decided to call a more experienced friend who helped me a little. Unfortunately, they didn’t understand that I needed a veterinarian, so my legs were getting worse every day and since the strong infection didn’t allow me to walk or work anymore, they decided to sell me to an action house.
Caribe Horse discovered my situation and came to visit me. When they met me they also discovered that I had a very bad cough… they immediately decided to adopt me!! The vet came to the orthopedist and they had to do local surgery to open my hooves more than once to clean out all the infection. I needed many days of antibiotics and about a year of care, medications and a short walk by the sea to rehabilitate my legs. I know they weren’t sure if they could really save me.
I have seen them sad for me many times. But I was a very good boy, I tried to collaborate all the time as much as I could because I understood that they wanted to help me and finally we all won together!!
Now I am healthy, happy to walk on the beach, all my old problems left me a little more sensitive than other horses, but now I have a beautiful normal life with my friends and the children love me, because I am very patient and one of the horses sweetest ever…maybe I like to go a little slow, so someone play with my name and call me Slowga…but the world seems safer if you don’t move so fast. !!
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